
Friday, October 11, 2013

33DC: Indian Nails!

Hey Y'all!  This week's theme in the 33DC Arden and I are taking part of was Indian nails!  Since I've been spending a fair amount of time pinterest-ing wedding gowns with one of my best friends, I decided I'd base a manicure off of one of the dresses!  (The one I chose was the one that is in the picture above).

This dress has a lot of facets! I tried to capture them all.  To start out I painted a base of Zoya Erika on my middle and ring fingers.  On my pointer and thumb, I painted sections of Erika, then left some naked nail, to try to reflect that killer bodice!

On my pinky I painted Essie Ole Caliente, I also used the same polish to gradientify my ring finger.  Then came the pretty flower details. I used a medium length striper brush with Essie Good as Gold to paint the gold floral designs on my pinky, ring and middle fingers.  I'm starting to lean towards using striper brushes for all my detail work, you'd think they'd be clumsy but they're actually kinda perfect.

For the beading on the bodice and waistline of the skirt, I used a small dotting tool with Good as Gold and Ole Caliente.

As usual, a lot of people participate in the 33DC, and all of them do really great work.  You should check out the other participants below:


  1. Hi Lisl! This is so gorgeous ! You've perfectly reflected the style of the dress. I've chosen your blog for the "Versatile blogger award" as I believe you're so talented! (and of yourse also Arden! you could do it together or separately, as you wish!)

    1. Thanks Natalia! This means so much to me and Arden! We really appreciate you thinking of us! We'll definitely let you know when we do our post!

  2. omg! this looks completely stunning! I love the colours and the pattern! I also love the dress you have picked up for the inspiration! amazing! <3
