
Thursday, October 10, 2013

Chevron Nails: Take 2!

Arden: So I learned yesterday that apparently there are two kinds of chevrons: a single v-shape, and zigzags like I did yesterday (which are basically a bunch of chevrons all strung together).  (And yes, some people will argue that zigzags aren't really chevrons, but I'm sticking to my guns!)  I enjoyed yesterday's manicure so much, I decided to try out the other kind of chevron today!

My method to create these nails was pretty similar to yesterday's: I started with a base of two coats of Julep Kendra.  I had some leftover dried silver polish (Julep Missy) on a Ziploc from the chevrons I'd already created, so I just cut out some v-shapes using those leftovers.  Then I applied them to my nails, trimmed the edges, and added a top coat.  Voila!  DIY decals are ridiculously easy once you get the hang of them (and, y'know, remember to paint a Ziploc with a polish the night before). 

Since both of these colors came from my October Julep Maven box, I've entered this manicure in their monthly #MyMaven contest.  I'll let you know if my entry is chosen as a finalist, but feel free to go like it here now!

It's only now occurred to me that this color combination seems to really be encouraging some Slytherin house school spirit.  That was not intentional, but if anyone's planning on going as a Harry Potter character for Halloween, consider making this manicure part of your costume!

Let me know what you think!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Arden! this is such and elegant manicure! I've chosen your blog for the "Versatile blogger award" as I believe you're so talented! (and of course also Lisl! you could do it together or separately, as you wish!)
