Arden here! Did anybody else's family do a lot of splatter painting when they were younger? Maybe it was just me, but I definitely had several articles of clothing that featured some home-made splatter paint when I was in elementary school. Today's manicure brought back all that 90's awesomeness!
I had been looking to do some really colorful nails, and my original plan was to try a rainbow pattern. But the more I thought about it, the more tedious, time-consuming, and un-fun painting on a gazillion rainbow stripes sounded. So I decided to go in another, infinitely more fun direction. And I'm so glad I did, because this is by far my favorite manicure I've given myself yet!
I started by painting my nails with two coats of Sally Hansen
Black Out.
I then started splatter painting! All you really need to do this technique is a straw. I did not have a full-sized drinking straw, so I used a little red coffee stirrer straw. I do think that no matter the diameter of your straw, it probably helps to cut them down so they're shorter. I ended up cutting each coffee stirrer in thirds.
Next, make a little puddle of the nail polish you want to splatter on a paper plate/wax paper/Ziploc baggie/whatever water-resistant surface you want. Dip one end of the straw in the nail polish. Then hold it over your nail, and blow into the other end of the straw. (Be careful not to inhale the polish!)
It will probably take you a couple of tries to work out all of the kinks. Here I am practicing on wax paper. As you can tell, the nail polish didn't so much splatter out of the straw as drip down. (But that one in the lower left corner looks good!)
I found that blowing a quick sharp breath helped. Also, it worked better for me when I made a
tah sound as I blew, instead of a
Here are my nails after I finished my first color. They weren't too impressive.
Yeah, that's right, the pinky and pointer finger basically only have small drops on them. |