
Thursday, April 18, 2013

Crumpet's Nail Tarts: April Tri-Polish Challenge Day 2

Alrightie.  I am back again with my second manicure for the Tri-Polish Challenge.  If you're unclear about what I'm talking about you can check out the rules and learn how to participate here.  I brought back my trusty DIY decals for this manicure, and started out by making a giant block of zig-zag print on a ziplock with a toothpick (this was not a quick process, I really just need to get me a nail art brush).

Then I cut out the decals into fun shapes and applied away:

I'm still getting some smeariness when I apply topcoat, which is a sad fact.  Plus that turquoise looks like a totally different color when against the pink background right? Weird.  

P.S. I don't know what's up with the pictures this time, I could not get a single one to come out normal looking. 

By far the best part of these challenges is checking out what everyone else has come up with, so keep scrolling and click away!


  1. These are so cool. I've not yet made the jump into making my own decals this might be the look to push me into giving it a bash!


    1. Aww thanks! It's actually surprisingly easy, except I always have to plan ahead because I let the polish dry overnight. I just struggle with the fact that the polish kind of bleeds once I add topcoat. If you end up figuring out how to avoid that let me know!
